

Fire Prevention - Lord Baltimore School

April 15, 2004

Last October the MVFC along with the BBVFC put on the yearly Fire Prevention Demo as well as educational programs for the Lord Baltimore Elementary School, in Ocean View. However due to a heavy demand for the Millsboro VFC?s Fire Safety House, the third grade was unable to participate in the Demo of "How to Exit Your House In Case of an Emergency". The MVFC was able to secure the house in the spring and was able to return to L.B. so that the third grade could complete their demonstration. Several classes as well as some teachers participated in the fun and educational event. As fake white smoke filled the second floor bedroom the students closed the bedroom door to keep out smoke and flames. They calmly opened the ups2tairs window and single file, proceeded down the safety ladder to the ground where they walked to their pre-designated meeting area. The leader of the class took accountability and then called 911 on a short circuit phone system and spoke to a real 911 operator whom asked several questions about the address and nature of the problem. All students that participated did an outstanding job in this exercise and both Departments commend them on their continued efforts to be ?Fire Safe?.

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Mon, Sep 16, 2024 19:35

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Mon, Sep 16, 2024 18:35

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Mon, Sep 16, 2024 16:02

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Mon, Sep 16, 2024 13:38

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