

Priority 1 Electrical Fire - Substation Rd. s/o Burbage Rd.

July 19, 2004

In the early moring hours of July 19th Station 84 was alerted for an electrical transformer on fire at the Delaware Electric Cooperative Substation located on Substation Road south of Burbage Road south of Millville. Chief Eddie Hammond responded to the scene and found a fire involving an electrical metering device in progress. Chief Hammond requested a priority one response from Delaware Electric to secure the power to the substation. Engine Tanker 84-4 arrived and was staged north of the incident until all power to the substation was secured and confirmed. After confirmation the power was off, the fire was extinguished by electric company personnel using dry chemical extinguishers from a utility truck on location. Millville personnel assisted the power company with the cleaning of soot from the electrical equipment at the substation in order to more quickly restore power to the Millville area. Millville units operated for over 2 hours before being released. While at this incident another alarm was handled by units on stand by at the station. This was the third incident of the day, all before 7 am.

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