

Water Rescue Training - Cedar Shores Pool, Ocean View

July 27, 2004

On Tuesday night July 27th, the MVFC conducted its monthly fire company drill by having the Delaware State Fire School provide instruction on basic water rescue. Members attending were instructed on the proper use of a rescue can when rescuing a conscious and unconscious victim, Proper roll technique to turn a face down victim with a suspected spinal cord injury onto their backs while maintaining C-Spine precautions, In the water back boarding(shallow and deep water) and finally rescuing and evading a panicked victim. This was a very informative class and all that participated had a fun and educational experience. Thanks to Chuck and Scott for coming down to provide instruction.

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Mon, Sep 16, 2024 19:35

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Mon, Sep 16, 2024 18:35

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Mon, Sep 16, 2024 16:02

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Mon, Sep 16, 2024 13:38

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