

70th Annual Banquet and Awards Night

January 14, 2023

On the evening of January 14th, 2023 the Millville Volunteer Fire Company held its 70th annual banquet and awards night at the Roxana VFC banquet hall.  The dinner was catered by the Roxana VFC and the food was fabulous.  There were many local dignitaries and neighboring fire company officers in attendance.  We would like to thank the Selbyville Volunteer Fire Company for standing by at Millville Station 1 so our members could attend our banquet and awards night.

President Hocker held a moment of silence and recognized our members that has passed away during 2022 to include Robert Powell, Mabel Bender, Lorraine Carr, Louise Toomey, Rose Albert and Genevieve Nunan. 

The fire company length of service awards were presented by President Gregory Hocker and were given to members with:

5 years of service: David Carr, Bruce Edwards and Riley Wagner.

10 years of service: Steve Maneri, Dennis Ayres, Patricia Ayres and Ryan Porter.

15 years of service: Andrew Klink and Donald Welsh.

20 years of service (Lifetime Membership): Walter Johnson, James “JR” Powell and Gregory Hocker.

25 years of service: Paul Daisey, Gabi Evans and Rancel Evans Jr.

30 years of service: Rick Thomas.

35 years of service: Brian Mushrush and Shawn Evans.

50 years of service: Marshall Lewis.  Mr. Lewis was presented with citations from both the Delaware Senate and House of Representatives.

The auxiliary length of service awards were presented by Auxiliary President Gail Quillen and given to members with:

10 years of service: Patricia Sherman.

25 years of service: Maxine Frazier.

35 years of service: Kelly Reynolds and Penny West.

Top alarm responders’ awards for 2022 were presented by Past Fire Chief Guy Rickards as follows: John Stephens 441, Bill Bowden Sr. 377, Walter Johnson 340, A.J. Moore 302, Earl Green 289, Jack Melson 275, Bob Rausch 245, Dennis Ayers 239, Craig Temple 195 and Mike Melson 166.

Awards were presented to Past Chief Guy Rickards and Past Chief Engineer David Carr for their dedicated service to the company.

Special Awards were presented by President Hocker and Past Chief Rickards and the Board of Directors as follows:

President’s Award: Asher E. Hammond.

Chief’s Award: Jack Melson and Bill Bowden Sr.

Ralph L. Banks Sr. Training Award: Michael O’Brien and Walter Johnson.

William J. Quillen Member of the Year Award: Jack Melson.

Raymond E. Powell/Louis B. Evans Firefighter of the Year Award: A.J. Moore.

Auxiliary President Gail Quillen and Treasurer Judy Powell presented President Hocker with a check in the amount of $14,193.60 for the purchase of additional tables and chairs.

Building committee chairman Douglas Scott and the Board of Directors recognized John Stephens for his exemplary service and officially dedicated our Radio Room as the “John L. and Shirley Ann Stephens Radio Room”.


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