Emergency Dial: 911



Gas Leak - Bear Trap Dunes

July 09, 2004

On Friday afternoon July 9th at around 1300hrs the MVFC was alerted for an odor of gas in the Bear Trap Development southeast of Millville. E84-2 with 2nd Asst. Chief Scott responded within a minute of dispatch and arrived on scene 3 minutes later to find that a construction crew had driven a 2x2 stake through an underground high-pressure gas line. The initial hose crew slowed the pressurized gas after re-positioning the stake in the ground. Crews then retreated to wait for Sharp Energy and Chesapeake Utilities. While crews were making their initial investigation, Asst. Chief Scott and Chief Engineer Marvel established a water supply and also a safe perimeter. Asst. Chief Scott also made contact with site engineers who responded with plans for the underground utilities. 2- 1-3/4" hand lines were placed in service for protection of the gas company workers. E84-4 was placed north of the scene at another hydrant while Rescue84 was moved to the front of E84-2 for use of its rehab supplies. Command (Scott), assigned operations to Truck Lt. Lloyd and gave Water Supply and Rehab to F/F Huovinen. Attack line crews were rotated every 15-20 minutes to cycle through the rehab area for hydration and to remove turnout gear. Both utility companies were able to isolate the leak from both sides so that appropriate repairs could be made. Asst. Chief Scott placed the incident under control and cleared units when ready. Units responding; E84-2, E84-4, Rescue84, A84, DSFP, Sharp/Chesapeake Utilities, Bear Trap Management.

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