

Chicken House Fire - 30816 Sandy Landing Road

December 24, 2007

At 2:12 p.m. on Monday, December 24, the Millville, Dagsboro, and Frankford Volunteer Fire Companies were dispatched along with the Sussex County Paramedics to a chicken house fire at 30816 Sandy Landing Road. Within two minutes of the dispatch emergency units were responding to the alarm. When Millville’s Chief Doug Scott arrived at the scene, smoke was coming from the chicken house. A fire had flashed inside the length of the building. Firefighters were assigned to extinguish any remaining hotspots. The chicken house contained 24,500 mature birds that were due to be moved out on Friday, December 28, for processing. The Bethany Beach and Gumboro Volunteer Fire Companies provided standby assistance at empty stations for the alarm. Engines responding to the alarm were able to provide a sufficient water supply for the firefighters. Chief Doug Scott declared the fire under control at 2:30 p.m. Units remained on the scene until 3:43 p.m. Delaware State Fire Marshal investigators determined that the fire started in the chicken house’s ceiling along its south wall and was caused by an electrical malfunction that ignited ceiling insulation, Deputy State Fire Marshal Randall Lee said. Damages to the building were estimated at about $25,000. The chicken flock was a total loss to the grower. “DEDICATED VOLUNTEERS PROUDLY SERVING OUR COMMUNITY”

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