Emergency Dial: 911



National First Responders Day 2022

October 28, 2022

On November 28th, 2022 the nation is honoring first responders with a National First Responders Day.  Locally we would like to thank Lori Martin from Lori Martin Group and R.J. Kauffman from Keller Williams for sponsoring a food truck from Kristina’s Kitchen to serve breakfast for all of the local area first responders.  R.J. Kauffman is also a Millville VFC volunteer and Lewes FD career firefighter.

Read more about First Responders Day in Delaware courtesy The Coastal Point:

Delawareans who respond to emergencies will be honored on Friday, Oct. 28, Delaware’s inaugural First Responders’ Day.

It was created by Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 125, sponsored by state Rep. Ron Gray and state Sen. Gerald Hocker, with Hocker calling first-responders “a very essential part of our country” who deserve recognition. There are 4.6 million career first-responders nationwide and thousands more who volunteer.

“These men and women put their lives on the line every day to keep people safe when disaster strikes. It’s a way to say, ‘thank you’ and to understand and educate others about the struggles they face,” Hocker said.

“They’re the men and women that put themselves on the front lines, giving their all to protect our communities. A special recognition that proclaims Friday, Oct. 28, 2022, as National First Responders Day is just one very small way of thanking these brave individuals for their public service,” Gray said.

“It’s long overdue,” said Sussex County Planning & Zoning Commissioner Bruce Mears, who conceived of the idea.

“You turn on the news and see all these actors that they make a big deal about. How about the first-responders? We need to mention them. Shouldn’t we have a day? They are here for us — the police departments, fire departments, EMTs — whether it’s their career or they do it as a volunteer,” he said.

Mears said he was planning a poker-run motorcycle ride to raise money for local emergency agencies, but was recently injured in a motorcycle accident, so it will be postponed until next year.




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