

Millville VFC instructs CPR training at Bethany Bay

May 17, 2024

On Friday afternoon, 17 May 2024, Millville VFC Emergency Medical Services conducted a CPR training session at the Bethany Bay subdivision in Ocean View. Emergency Medical Services Chief Jack Wilson was the preliminary speaker and instructor.

Chief Wilson was just employed last summer by the MVFC and today was my first opportunity to witness his educator talents. My opinion of Chief Wilson is he is on the quiet side. I witnessed the educator side today. Chief Wilson demonstrated an animated side I have never witnessed in the past, which obviously captivated his audience. The residents of our fire district are incredibly lucky to have Chief Wilson and his competent staff in our fire district. Chief Wilson advised his audience that Sussex County is in the top 5 counties in the country for “saves”, thus meaning, brought back to life. After providing an overview of the AED other associated medical equipment the program was turned over to others in his staff.

The other EMS staff consisted of Austin Fannin, Trevaughn Topping, Meghan Hudson, Makenzy Marvel, and Gabrielle Griffith.

Special thanks to Shelley Tunell from the Bethany Bay managing staff for organizing this CPR training gathering.

Tony Petralia

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