March 08, 2025
Saturday, March 8th, was the Millville Volunteer Fire Company's 72nd Annual Ladies Night and Awards Banquet at Roxanna Volunteer Fire Station. Auxiliary and Members enjoyed a fun night with a wonderful dinner prepared and served by the Roxanna Auxiliary and Members. Special thanks to them for the excellent food! After a fierce duel of Rock-Paper-Scissors moderated by our DJ, the table service order was established, and members got to enjoy Oysters, Shrimp, Prime Rib, and Crab Imperial, as well as drinks and desserts!
After dinner, our President Greg Hocker shared a few words, and we had a moment of silence for the members we lost in 2024, always a solemn moment. Then, the awards ceremony began. To help present the awards, we had a number of VIPs participate, including 38th District Representative Ron Gray, Councilman Doug Hudson, Town of Millville Mayor Ron Belinko, Retired Town Manager Debbie Botchie, and SCVFA Past President Joe Thompson.
The 2024 Board Members, Officers, and Career Staff were recognized for their contributions with gifts, and the 2025 Board Members, Officers, and Career Staff were acknowledged.
One of the significant highlights was recognizing years of service, with commendations for milestones of 5,10,15, 20, 40, 45, 50, and 60 years of active service. Harold Lloyd was honored for an impressive 60 years of service. For 50 years, Greg Tietmeyer and Rolland Marvel were recognized. Clark Droney received acknowledgment for 45 years, Asher "Eddie" Hammond for 40 years, Tyler Barre and Frank Rickards for 20 years. Representative Ron Gray presented letters from Delaware Senator Gerald Hocker to Greg Tietmeyer for his 50 years of service and for receiving the Joshua M. Freeman First Responders Valor Award, as he was one of four members involved in heroic efforts at a fire scene in 2024.
William "Bill" Bowden Sr. was the recipient of the President's Award, which is presented by President Greg Hocker to the member who best exemplifies dedication, selflessness, and leadership in the proper administration of the company.
Marcos "Mark" Bognar received the William J. Quillen Member of the Year Award. Chosen by the President & Board of Directors to the individual who best exemplifies the dedication, selflessness, and leadership necessary. Mark's efforts in fundraising, in addition to his significant contributions as a firefighter, were highlighted.
Millville had its busiest year ever in 2024, with 608 Fire Alarm Calls. As such, it takes volunteers and members together to work faithfully to support the community in its time of need. MVFC honors the Top Responders each year. Here's the Top 15 Responder Awards! Typically, we do the top 10, but this year, the Top 15 each had more than 200 calls!
Training is essential to firefighting. MVFC promotes and encourages volunteers and career staff to pursue Advanced Training and awards the individual who accumulates the most hours of Advanced Training. Gary Caunitis is this year's recipient of the Ralph L. Banks, Sr. Training Award.
Mathew Mudry received the Past Chief Engineer's Award.
Emergency Medical Services are integral to the fire service MVFC provides. EMS Chief Jack Wilson, along with Fire Chief Walt Johnson, presented the Ralph W. Burbage Award—Emergency Medical Services to Andrew "Wally" Evans. This award is presented to the EMS person who best exemplifies the selflessness, dedication, and skills necessary to serve the community in Emergency Medical Services.
Earl Green was presented the Richard Norris Derrickson Fire Policeman of the Year Award by Fire Chief Johnson and Fire Police Captain Bill Bowden, Sr. This award is given annually to the individual who best exemplifies the commitment, dedication, and safety of all personnel and citizens involving the transportation and firefighter safety and spends countless hours outside in extreme conditions to ensure any incident is safe and secure.
MVFC has a Junior Firefighter Program for teens interested in the fire service. The Junior members participate in incidents and training along with the senior members. The Junior training program requires commitment and dedication, much like the senior members. They respond to incidents and train while attending school, sports, etc. Leland Oakley was awarded the Junior Firefighter and Junior Top Responder of the Year Award. The Junior Top Trainee of the Year Award was presented to Leo Martin.
The Chief's Award is given to the member who best exemplifies the selflessness and dedication necessary to serve the company in an operational capacity, that award is given to Paul Sterling, Jr.
The Chief and all Assistant Chiefs choose the Raymond E. Powell/Louis B. Evans - Firefighter of the Year Award. Awarded annually to the individual who best exemplifies the courage, commitment, and honor inherent to all firefighters. This year's award was presented to Gary Caunitis.
The awards ceremony was capped off with a changing of officers. 2025 Chief Douglas Scott presented the Past Chief's Award to Chief Walter Johnson for his dedication and service to the Millville Volunteer Fire Company.
Tue, Mar 25, 2025 19:36
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Tue, Mar 25, 2025 19:27
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Tue, Mar 25, 2025 18:40
36492 Roxana Rd
Tue, Mar 25, 2025 16:38
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